Dundalk Resistance Eventually Caves In At Sadly Empty Emirates

Arsenal 3 Dundalk 0 Europa League Matchday Two Thursday 29th October 2020 8pm The great shame about this Europa League group game was that Dundalk’s fans were not able to make the trip to witness their team play at the Emirates. They don’t get too many chances for this kind of experience. Granted, Gooners would have enjoyed trips to Vienna and Ireland themselves, but they’ve had plenty of opportunity to see their team in some amazing venues over the years. Europa League and Champions League matches on the continent are going on with fans in the stands, appropriately distanced from one another. And here’s the thing – the virus does not spread so easily in the open air. So we have fiascos like Norwich fans gathering at Carrow Road on a home matchday to watch the game being played on the pitch outside on screens in hospitality areas… where the spread of COVID-19 is far more likely. Madness. My own view on the virus is that the vulnerable are protected and supporte...