How long can Arsenal afford to continue with a policy of blind faith in Mikel Arteta?

Manchester City 5 Arsenal 0 Premier League Saturday 28th August 2021 12.30pm Before the game, interviewed by BT Sport, Mikel Arteta explained that the policy of buying young and building for the future was one that came from above, and one he is charged with carrying out. So, develop a fresh team to lay the foundations for a healthy future. A rebuild. We can understand the need to do this, given how far Arsenal have declined since falling out of the top four in 2017. However, there are a number of questions that need asking regarding how this is going to work. 1 – Is Arteta the right coach to carry this kind of project through? 2 – Are the decision makers above him able to make the right choices to support any coach faced with this challenge? 3 – Do Arsenal have the right profile of experienced player for younger squad members to learn from? For this observer, the answer to all three of the above would be no. Which, if I am proved correct, ...