2022 World Cup Diary – Part Five (Brazil v Switzerland, 974 Stadium)
974 Stadium – Seven matches and then it’s gone Swiss container tactics not enough v Brazil Monday 28th November 2022 So on Monday we saw the final day of four matches kicking off at different times. On occasion (at weekends specifically) at past finals there have been four games a day, before the final round of group games with their simultaneous kick offs anyway, but most of the time the tournament has sufficient time to breath that there are three matches a day. Obviously the condensed nature of these finals has changed things so that the whole shebang can be completed in 29 days. Russia 2018 spanned 32. Being here, it’s been possible to catch some of the matches on a big screen or my iPad using VPN to get the UK broadcast, but I shall get to the culture of having TVs in restaurants and cafes later. Traveling to and from games makes it impossible to catch everything, and in that sense, it’s just like any other finals in any other country. ...